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Between the Lines

My senior thesis is a sequence about a girl on her way to pick up her father arriving at the port after being away for years, as she looks for weaving material to finish her gift for him.

For context: this sequence would be part of a larger story set in Fantasy Philippines, about a shy girl who wants to connect with her father working overseas through the woven gifts they exchange. When her father does not have the money to come home, she learns to be confident in herself as she tries to promote her family's basket-weaving store.

See full Thesis Page HERE

Self Glob

A failing scientist creates a sentient slime, who becomes entranced by a nearby fashion magazine. She wants to turn into the figures it sees, however the scientist has other plans for it!


Going in Circles

A curious student becomes bent on finding a solid answer on whether perfect circles exist, after she learns that there may be no such thing during a math class.

Animatic and Visual Development of the piece HERE.

Lane-Distance Relationship

The exciting start of a new relationship, told through two commuters drawing on the car windows

Animatic and Visual Development of the piece HERE


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